FG Literaturliste


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HOFMANN, Susanne: Partizipation macht Architektur! Die Chancen eines partizipativen Entwurfsprozesses. Methode und Projekte der Baupiloten, Jovis Verlag, Berlin, 2014
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AUSTER, Paul: The New York Trilogy, MIT Press paperback edition, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2002

ALLEN, Stan: “II_Notations+Diagrams: Mapping the Intangible” in ALLEN, Stan, Practice: Architecture, Technique, and Representation. Routledge, New York, 2009, S.64

ALLEN, Stan: Practice: Architecture, Technique, and Representation,  G+B Arts, Amsterdam, 2000

CALLE, Sophie: with the participation of Paul Auster. Double Game. Violette Editions, London, 1999

CALLE, Sophie: Did you see me?: M'as Tu Vue? - Did You See Me? Prestel Verlag, München, 2003

CARERI, Francesco:
Walkscapes, Walking as an aesthetic practice, Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona 2002

CORNER, James: “The Agency of Mapping: Speculation, Critique and Invention” in COSGROVE, Denis (ed.): Mappings, Reakton Books, London, 1999, S. 214-252

GARCIA, Mark (ed.): The Diagrams of Architecture, AD Readers, Wiley, 2010
SADLER, Simon (ed.): The Situationist City, MIT Press, Boston, 1999

TUFTE, Edward: Envisioning Information, Graphics Press, 1990

TUFTE, Edward: The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Bertrams, 2002


DYER, Geoff: “Inhabiting” in: BEAUMONT Matthew, DART Gregory (eds.): Restless Cities, Verso, London and New York, 2010, pgs. 157-170
HOLL, Steven, PALLASMAA Juhani, PÉREZ- GÓMEZ Alberto: Questions of Perception. Phenomenology of architecture. William Stout Publishers, A+U, 1st ed., San Francisco, 2006 (original ed.: A+U Questions of Perception. Phenomenology of architecture, Special Issue, July 1994)
KWINTER, Sanford: “The complex and the Singular“ in KWINTER, Sanford: Architectures of Time. Toward a Theory of the Event in Modernist Culture, MIT Press paperback edition, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2002, S. 2-31
PEREC, Georges: Species of Spaces and Other Pieces, Paperback, Penguin Classics, 1997 (ed. original: Espèces d’espaces, Éditions Galilée, París, 1974)
PSARRA, Sophia: Architecture and narrative. The formation of space and cultural meaning, Routledge, 2009

RENDELL, Jane: Art and Architecture. The Place Between, IB Tauris and Co Ltd, London, New York, 2006
TSCHUMI, Bernard: “Program” in Architecture and disjunction, MIT Press, 1996, pgs. 99-153

TSCHUMI, Bernard: Sequences” in Architecture and disjunction, MIT Press, 1996, pgs. 153-168

VAN EYCK, Aldo: “Day and Night“ in VAN EYCK, Aldo: Writings- Collected articles and other writings 1947-1998, SUN, Amsterdam, 2008


DEPLAZES, Andrea (ed.): Constructing Architecture: Materials, Processes, Structures. A Handbook. Birkhäuser, Zürich, 2005

HOCHBERG Anette; HAFKE, Jan-Henrik; RAAB Joachim (REICHEL, Alexander, SCHULTZ, Kerstin (ed.)): Open, Close. Windows, Doors, Gates, Loggias, Filters.

HOLL, Steven; KWINTER, Sanford; SAFONT-TRIA Jordi: Steven Holl. Color, Light, Time, Lars Müller Publishers, Zürich, 2012

RILEY, Terence: Light construction, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 4th printing, 2003
TANIZAKI, Junichiro: In Praise of Shadows, Vintage Books, London, 2001


Böhme, Gernot: Architektur und Atmosphäre, München 2006.

SLOTERDIJK, Peter: Sphären III – Schäume, Suhrkamp, 2004

HILL, Jonathan: Immaterial Architecture, Routledge, 1st ed., Oxon and  New York, 2006

ZUMTHOR, Peter: Atmospheres, Birkhauser Verlag AG, Basel 2005 


Arch+208: Tokio: Die Stadt bewohnen

ARCH+ 206/207: Politische Empirie

ARCH+ 189: Entwurfsmuster

ARCH+ 183: Situativer Urbanismus

ARCH+ 178: Die Produktion von Präsenz

ARCH+ 176/177: Wohnen

ARCH+ 169/170: Architekturen des Schaums